The Summer I Turned Pretty: Now a Major Tv Series On Amazon Prime
- By: Jenny Han
- Categories Books , Teen & Young Adult , Readers Recommends , booktok
- Stock Availability: In Stock
- ISBN: 9780241599198
- Total Pages: 288
- Available Book Formats: Paperback
- Year: 2022
JOD 10.00
Everything that happened this past summer, and every summer before it, has all led up to this. To now. Every year Isabel spends a perfect summer at her favourite place in the world the Fisher family's beach house. It has everything a girl could want- a swimming pool, a private stretch of sandy beach and two boys. Unavailable, aloof Conrad who she's been in love with forever and friendly, relaxed Jeremiah, the only one who's ever really paid her any attention. But this year something is different. This year, the boys seem to really notice Isabel for the first time. It's going to be an amazing summer and one she'll never forget